A new form of culture: memes


The University of Debrecen University and National Library in Sziget organized a roundtable discussion entitled “Culture and Meme” with the participation of university lecturers. The central topic of the meeting was the cultural significance of memes.

The Debreceni egyetemi memes is a page edited by students since 2018, where university students can react to events affecting their lives with pictures and captions.

“The meme is a kind of art form of self-expression, with which we want to convey feelings to the university community using the means of humor,”

– said Tibor Antal, one of the creators of the Debreceni egyetemi memes, at the event.

This approach was also supported by Péter Fodor, an associate professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen, who said that the recent period has taken away the experience of the university and the community from the students.

These works articulate and replace this community experience

– Péter Fodor emphasized.

At the opening of the roundtable discussion, Leonardo Petró, University of Debrecen University and National Library Deputy Director-General for Public Relations emphasized that memes are an integral part of today’s pop culture, so they have become important to the library as well.

“It’s content that we can’t process in the classic way we’re used to in a library, but this roundtable gives us an opportunity to provide an interpretive framework for those interested in the topic,”

– said the deputy director-general.

Péter Mészáros helped us at the beginning of the conversation on how to interpret the concept of memes. He also pointed out that the original definition from Richard Dawkins goes well beyond what was originally created for biology.



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