Community Electric Scooters Arrived to Hungary


E.ON decided to support the launch of an electric scooter service in Budapest.In the summer of 2018, the company supports an outstanding initiation in Hungary together with a Hungarian startup called they are going to give 50 new electric community scooters to the city of Budapest.

The new vehicle sharing system makes the city transport cleaner, faster, quieter and more cost-effective at the same time. It is also a 100% environmentally friendly solution for traffic jams and parking problems.

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The new community electric scooter system can be handled via a mobile application. After registering, the user can select the closest available vehicle using the application map. Users have to pay per minute, and student discounts are also available. The electric scooters can use up to 3,1 KW engine power and can be used up to 60 km with their 35 Ah batteries. Anyone can use the community scooters above the age of 16 and with at least a AM category license which is older than 6 months. Wearing a helmet is required on the electric scooters, but this is part of the service, too.

Source and photos: press release

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