This is how the transformation of the Petőfi Sándor Primary School in the Homokert proceeds

Local News

Member of Parliament László Pósán, with the director of the school, Julianna Komáromi and László Türk, a local government representative, reviewed the progress of the comprehensive investment aimed at modernizing the institution, which started at the end of last year.

The Sándor Petőfi Primary School will expand and adapt to the expectations of the age, after Kálmán Szabó, as a result of which it will be possible to eliminate the need for children to move between three different places, said László Pósán, Member of Parliament.

The last building of the school was handed over in 1982, so the sole purpose of its development is to allow students studying here to continue their studies in a more modern, better complex of buildings. Thanks to the successful tender of the Debrecen Tanker District Center, the 71-year-old main building will be renovated, its appearance will change significantly, but the new building will also be beautified.

The addition of a new wing, the addition of floors, major renovations and acquisition of equipment to ensure modern infrastructural conditions for modern education. Upper-class classes moved to a separate building of the Monostorpályi Út Member Institution of the Pál Kinizsi Primary School in November.

This is what the building will look like:

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