Pony Rides Returning to the Debrecen Zoo and Amusement Park

Local News National

As they have recently reported, the Debrecen Zoo and Amusement Park acquired two Shetland ponies in July in order to rekindle their great horse-riding tradition.

On the 1st of August, they announced that beloved pony rides will again be available for children from this Saturday onwards.

Besides Shetland ponies, one of the most ancient horse breeds in Europe, children will also get a chance to meet the Welsh pony breed up close; those being some of the most ideal horses for beginners due to their small size and benevolent temperament.


Pony rides will be taking place in the Pony Enclosure on the premises of the Amusement Park, amid a refreshing forest atmosphere. Not only will they help children get to love nature and animals, but they will also serve as an excellent introduction to equestrianism and a playful and subtle way of improving balance and coordination.

Children seeking ‘foal-tastic’ experiences may enter the wonderful world of ponies on weekends and special event days from August 3 onwards, from 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00. The rides will require dedicated tickets.


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