Science on Stage Festival 2017

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Science on Stage Europe brings together science teachers from across Europe to exchange best practice teaching ideas and concepts with passionate colleagues from 30 countries.Date: 29th of June – 2nd of July

Venue: Kölcsey Cultural and Conference Centre (1-3. Hunyadi street)

Programme: Every two years Science on Stage Europe organises Europe’s biggest science teaching festival. Teachers from all over Europe exchange their ideas, projects and methods in different workshops and on the stage.

The festival, hosted every two years in a differ­ent country, is the culmination of national events in the participating countries. This year the city of Debrecen will host this prestigious event. Do not miss it!

Main goal of Science on Stage Festival is to improve science teaching thereby promoting a more scientifically literate population, and encouraging more schoolchildren to consider a career in science or engineering.

Supporters of the programme are Science on Stage Europe, the University of Debrecen, MTA Atomki Institute, Science on Stage Hungary and the city of Debrecen.

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